Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV may be delayed for US

The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has been on sale in Japan since January 24th, and sales in the US have always been slated for January 2014. Since January is getting closer and Mitsubishi has not released any details, InsideEVs decided to ask Mitsubishi USA to confirm the introduction date, and hopefully eek out some extra details.

The response they received from an account executive said “Our plan is to introduce the Outlander PHEV in the US during 2014CY (calendar year) and we will be making a formal announcement at a later date.”

This is slightly concerning because until now, they have been saying the introduction will be January 2014. The only reason to be less specific would be if the date is being pushed back later, perhaps until spring. Mitsubishi has already said the Outlander plug-in launch in Australia will be delayed 8 months.

If there is actually a delay, it’s likely due to overwhelming response in Japan and the Netherlands.

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Alan Moeller

By Alan Moeller

EV car evangelist! I read, watch, write, research and chat all things electric cars. Got a lead on a story? Shoot me a message on Facebook.


  1. Any delay in my mind will be a direct result of halted production earlier this year when Outlanders started to catch fire due to a faulty battery manufacturing process. I believe production was halted for 2 months and demand leading up to the halt was stronger than anticipated.

    Mitsubishi have denied all along that the safety issues would cause any delay with US introduction, but its hard to see how it wouldn’t have an impact.

  2. I definitely assume this is due to the overwhelming response in the Netherlands. I was one of the first to order (dec 7th 2012) in The Netherlands. Per email the Mitsubishi dealer confirmed that nearly 11000 Outlander PHEV’s have been ordered (until some weeks ago). 7000 will be delivered in The Netherlands this year and 4000 next year (which is a disappointment for all those people hoping to get it this year, because per Jan 1st fiscal advantages are less). Production facilities are doubled from 2000 to 4000 per month.

  3. Dear Antoon

    I would also like to order / buy and register the car this year . Do you have advise ?

    Best wishes

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