Nissan re-attempts world record for driving in reverse

Last year, Nissan was ready to challenge the world record for the fastest ever reverse mile. At the last minute, safety officials cancelled the attempt after claiming a lack of adequate testing made the attempt too risky. This week at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, Nissan gets their second change.

British stunt driver Terry Grant, known for his parallel parking stunts, will be driving a specially prepared Nissan Leaf. The stock Leaf has software to prevent it from being driven too quickly in reverse. Nissan has prepared the stunt Leaf with special software without the restrictions to enable him to theoretically drive the Leaf’s top speed of 93 mph while in reverse.

The 1.16 mile track isn’t without challenges – it has 9 turns along it’s length, and will have thousands of people along it watching the attempt.

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1 comment

  1. Don’t attempt this at home boys and girls!!

    High speed driving in reverse is very difficult to control. This really is a stunt in the truest sense of the word.

    I used to own a Daf 66 in the UK many moons ago. Their CVT system allowed for the same speed in reverse as forwards without any governor restricting the speed. I tried going fast in reverse and the steering becomes very difficult to control above 30 mph. The closest parallel I can think of to help explain the sensation, is that it is like a badly loaded trailer that starts fishtailing at higher speeds, one can easily tip a car over 🙂

    Can’t wait to see the video, it should be very entertaining.

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